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Tinnitus Cure & Tinnitus Treatment טינטון אוזן פנימית

Tinnitus is a condition that many people suffer from. This is a great discussion about tinnitus and it's symptoms. Learn more

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For Educational Purposes only.

The Transcript for this Video about Tinnitus Treatment is below. Find any errors Please Les us Know.

we're talking about the sounds our bodies
make this next one can be quite


that's not a teapot


that is tinnitus bring you know each year
ringing in the ears actually different

kinds of sounds

you know we've all heard ringing in the
ears after a rock concert or being next

to a firecracker but this is different
this is something that's going on

all the time actually it's not a disease

it's a symptom typically its associated

hearing loss is just to orient things
here and here you have the eardrum the

outer ear you have a little bones on the

of ear the ossicles this thing that looks
like a snail the cochlea that's the

inner ear

the processes sound typically some type

injury hearing loss can be a medication
affects that part

you lose some hearing the body in
response to that

forms a sound

so is there a treatment drew?

actually there is a brand new treatment
that is working very well

good results it's called the neuromonic treatment
device and what you're basically
doing is masking

the sound that you're hearing in your
ear that ringing sound

with a more pleasurable
soothing sound which I want you to hear

what that sound does is masks

that annoying sound that you don't wanna

this treatment involves two phases the
first phase

you where this for a couple months and
you hear that music you then

over that period of time get a hearing

to determine where you've lost you're

then they added a sound to this device

that tells the brain the you're still
able to hear

that frequency and that helps the
ringing in your ears to go away

and I was a little confusing but if you
have this problem

go see your ear nose and throat doctor
or your audiologist

they know all about this device for
millions of people suffering from this

but there is a good way to deal with
that sounds like it basically train your

brain to ignore

the ringing yes it retrains the brain by

by giving that sound the brain no
longer thanks

you have hearing loss and therefore the
rain goes away and there's no cure but

that's a pretty good treatment

we're talking about
chronic tendinitis chronic ringing in the ears not

just going to a rock concert you know

or from an acute infection or walkin
have ringing in her ears occasionally

but this is something that's going on
and on and on

not associated with other symptoms like
dizziness or really

severe hearing loss I'd say I'm I've
still got ringing in my ears and nose

into drew rap earlier

yeah by me do it again actually

maybe you can make it your own CD in

people can listen to that plastic
surgery iPods contributed at all

well sure we know the
things that can

that can cause reining in the ears its
certain medications

trauma to your here absolutely if you're
around going to rock concert you play

your music

really loud that can give you a
sensorineural hearing loss

intern which can give you a ring in the
years so best way is protected way we

talk after

protect those ears coming up next the
best way to deal with body sounds that

you don't understand

#tinnitus #tinnituscure #tinnitustreatment
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